- POGOピンケーブル 4
- 防水ケーブル 27
- タイプCケーブル 15
- USB5 Cables 9
- USB スクリュー ロック ケーブル 26
- ハブ 17
- USBアングルケーブル 27
- 医療用ケーブル 24
- USB4ケーブル 11
美容機器光療法マスク, 大掃除, しわの退色, 疲労回復
1. ご使用の前に, 顔を徹底的に洗浄して、皮膚の表面から油分や汚れを取り除く必要があります。.
2. 必要に応じて適切な美容機器を選択し、適切なレベルに調整します。.
3. 美顔器を顔に覆い、取扱説明書の指示に従って操作してください。.
使用後, 美容機器の清掃に注意し、メンテナンスの指示に従ってください。.
カテゴリ: 医療用ケーブル
メールを待っています, 以内に返信させていただきます 12 必要な貴重な情報を何時間も入手できる.
ECG リード線 3.5 ミリメートル 3 極オス肘に 3.5 ミリメートル治療メスバックル 4.0 ミリメートルバックルワイヤー
コネクタ仕様: 3.5mm audio male+4.0 all inclusive copper buckle with nickel plating
Conductor material: UL standard · Bare copper · Tin plated copper/Customizable conductor material
The connector plating: カスタマイズされたニッケルメッキ, 金メッキ/塩水噴霧 24H, salt spray 48H
Product testing: 短絡, 導電率, 絶縁完全検査, 真新しい精密ケーブル試験機, reliable and safe use
OEM/ODM: 外観, ワイヤー仕様, 色, ハードウェアヘッド, 等. 顧客の要求に応じてカスタマイズおよび生産することができます.
Factory wholesale red blue light infrared light mask beauty silicone spectrum facial mask instrument
Step 1: Use facial mask
1. Apply facial mask: select a facial mask product suitable for your skin, evenly apply it on your face, and avoid eyes and mouth.
2. Waiting for absorption: according to the time requirements in the instructions of the facial mask, wait for the facial mask to fully penetrate and absorb.
Step 2: Wear a red light mask
3. Open the red light mask: Press the switch button below to ensure that the red light mask is activated.
4. Wear a face mask: Gently place the mask on the face from top to bottom, ensuring that the facial skin fits snugly.
5. Fixed face mask: Adjust the appropriate fixing position according to the tightness of the fixing strap on the face mask to ensure that the face mask is stable and not loose.
Step 3: Adjust the red light mode and power
6. Choose the red light mode: According to your needs, select the corresponding button on the mask to switch between different red light modes. There are generally modes such as red light irradiation, red light flickering, and alternating red and blue light.
7. Adjust the red light power: Based on your skin sensitivity, adjust the power button on the mask and select the appropriate red light power level.
Step 4: Use a red light mask
8. Start using: Press the start button on the mask below, and the red light mask will start working. 9. Exposure time: Set the appropriate red light surface usage time according to the recommendations in the product manual. It is generally recommended to use it for 15-30 minutes each time. 10. Relax and Rest: During work on a red light surface, you can choose to close your eyes to relax or engage in other leisure activities such as listening to music or reading
Step 5: End of use
11. Timed shutdown: Ensure that the red light mask is turned off by pressing the shutdown button located below after the end of its usage time.
12. Remove the face mask: Carefully remove the red light mask from the face and place it in a clean place.
13. Facial care: wash the face with clean water, and then apply appropriate face cream or lotion for facial care and water locking.